Thursday, May 18, 2006

end of an era...

well fine, i'll admit it... it isnt that big a deal! but when uve been studyin for almost 20 yrs, it makes u half senti-mental, and as is true in my case, completely mental. USC is done with & i no longer have 2 study for any exams, no more hws, no more results...hmmm, this may not be as bad as it seems!

its been quite an experience: staying away from family & friends, eating 2 meals a day (including those amazing cold 3am dinners at subway!), sloggin my ass off for my courses & also working... oh lets not forget that! but i luved it all... hah! and aced it as well :)

somehow, i feel so ready for this next step... the work-life. ive heard rumors that companies have been conspiring to make me continue for a Ph.D. ... guess sumone alerted them about my attendance record. so for all those HR guys reading this: i solemnly swear to attend work to the best of my capabilities, or 4 days a week... whichever is lesser.

now, for the very 1st time in my life, im completely free of any studies and work (read: im unemployed). ah! this is the life!! my diminishing bank balance (which shall be mentioned in the future blogs as well, so lets give him a name... BOB seems good)... so BOB is disappearing faster than food off of Adnan Sami's plate... or H1B visas off of an american consulate.

this brings me to my job search, which, and im serious here, may be the only thing that can keep BOB alive. i need 24hr access to the internet coz i need to visit those standard "job sites" online. now, my laptop, SAM, for some reason has decided to work well only when im chatting or playing games. every other time his pace is slower than that of a pregnant cow... or of my ex-roommate bawa taking a shower... which, by extended studies, has been proven to exceed the time required for conceiving that calf we were talking about, right upto its puerperium. in other words, its getting difficult to search for employment.

anyways, the idea of a dignified job search is absolutely mind-numbing... but thats for another day... another blog.

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