Saturday, December 16, 2006

now, then...

so let's see now: 10 months and 5 blogs... i'm on a roll! if you're surprised at my enthusiasm on having written just 5 blogs, well then you don't know me well enough, do ya? huh huh huh?! to spell it out... i'm lazy... LA-HAY-ZEE!

to begin with, a special mention as to where i shall be this weekend: HOME. yeah, it's taken 4+ months, but i'm finally spending a weekend in redlands. gonna work over the weekend... yes, it's against the "health" rules, but it's required.

ate some readymade, frozen, chicken biryani the other day. how was it, you ask? let’s just say the word “average” has a whole new low. for those of you with lesser brain cells than the indian cricket team’s current win record, i mean that it was bad. moving on.

73.5... nah, that's not my weight in kgs. it's the number of hours i stayed up. as stoked as i am about surpassing my previous high of 72hrs (feel the sarcasm), a kind word from someone who has been away for way too long, felt real good. but then i realized that it was just my imagination... we hadn't even spoken. i say this coz, at one point of time, i was also convinced that i am, in fact, a large african-american woman. i had been up for long... too long maybe. just ask my boss... i laughed out loud on a joke he cracked during the meeting. as it turns out, he was serious about us possibly spending the night at work. hehehehehehehe. sweet, sweet delirium.

work hours have been skyrocketing as of late... it's a rush i missed sorely while jobless. being jobless is a priceless experience. you know all those days you spend swearing you'd do anything, ANYTHING, to be as free as you were when 16? yeah, it ain't all that great. although, i DID get to catch up on all my Ayub Khan facts, so it wasn't ALL bad.

went for the year-end-lunch with my team at work. vietnamese food was on the cards. get ready for this... the place was called "Adong". A-DONG! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aw cmon guys! A DONG???!! how can that *not* be funny?! hehehehehe maybe it's the lack of sleep, but i can't stop laughing.

outro: as i spent 30 minutes cleaning the toilet bowl (yes, this is when i do most of my reminiscing!), i couldn't help but remember those friends back home who always say, and i quote, "tu toh america mein hai, teri life toh set hai. (you're in america, your life is set)". listen, jackasses, this is what life in america is all about: sleepless nights, frozen food & cleaning your own toilets. no i ain't cribbin... pls, just be aware that there are no million dollar packages, no 40hr weeks and absolutely *NO* blonde chick dying to give you a sponge bath in the morning. just like back home, life is tough, the bills need to be paid & yes, chicks are hard to get. "teri life toh set hai"... idiots.

for what it's worth, i luv it here. gnite dudes & dudettes.