Thursday, February 15, 2007

special mention...

just a short entry here... dr. khadbadi passed away this week. he was our family doc & an excellent one, i may add. it's rare to be so impressed with someone professionally, but his power of diagnosis was truly amazing. i met him in december '06... he'd been ill for a while, but said he was getting better. dr. khadbadi was treating me for my back. last thing he said to me was, " it's sad 2 see kids your age with such chronic problems :) you can't even stop working; it's your bread & butter. see me next year... we'll do an MRI & see how we can get you better".

one the few good ppl you come across nowadays.

you'll be missed, doc. thanks for everything.


Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think, and suspicious of men who try to.

-- H. Mumford Jones